Caption Text
Man 1: Fuck, they been keepin' some good cuntmeat in the palace...
Man 2: Looks dead...
Man 3: Who cares? Serves the bitch right. Keep raping it 'til it falls apart and then grab the next cunt we find!
Victoria wasn't dead, yet, but she knew it wouldn't be long. Even if this group of insurrectionists lost interest and left her alive, the rest of the mob would certainly hang or behead her once they found her lying on the palace floor. Her body didn't have the strength to even twitch and she knew there was no escape from this. The only signs of life left in her were the imperceptibly weak breaths she managed to take whenever one of the brutes wasn't busy raping her throat or punching the air out of her.
Despite the man's suggestion that she was some servant or other cloistered resident of the palace, Victoria wasn't even from the capitol. Though she was a trusted duke's daughter, her life had never been quite so pampered. Unrest had been a growing problem even before she was born and the emperor's enemies were many. Victoria had always been drawn to the martial line of duty and quickly rose through the ranks of the imperial army with her father's help. Not that she was the mere product of nepotism; she was an adept fighter and superlative strategist. But such skills alone only took one so far in the military's rigid hierarchy.
Her talents and circumstances eventually saw her instated as the youngest captain of the emperor's guard in history. Through her grit and determination, she gradually won the trust of the elite troops and of the palace residents whose safety she ensured. It seemed clear to all that she was on the path to great importance within the empire.
Then the riots, which had thus far been isolated pockets of malcontent within the city, turned into a full revolution over night. Even with all of Victoria's skills and troops, there was nothing that could be done. It seemed like the entire population of the capital had descended on the palace at once, cutting off all escape. Perhaps just an unfortunate bout of coordination among the riotous mob. Perhaps something orchestrated by the emperor's enemies abroad. Either way, her only option had been to protect the imperial family for as long as she could.
That was hours ago. Or maybe days. She couldn't tell how long everything had taken, anymore. The mob had broken through her line of guards and swarmed into the palace halls. There was nothing but murder in their eyes, a frothing mass of desperate peasants looking for revenge over all their grievances. They cut down her troops with knives and pitchforks. They tossed courtiers from balconies and hanged servants and nobles alike. They were indiscriminate in their violence, save for the women pulled aside for raping, whether before or after they'd been murdered and mangled.
Victoria had fought as she was continuously pushed back toward the innermost portions of the palace. But no amount of skill can best overwhelming numbers. She was eventually disarmed and knocked aside. She watched from the floor as the endless mob rushed past her and into the room where the imperial family was hiding. She watched as the emperor was dragged out to the balcony, knives and fists hatefully plunged into him the whole way, before he was tossed to the screaming masses below. She watched as the empress and her daughters were pulled in every direction, tossed and pinned from man to man as the crowd competed for a turn raping one of their imperial holes. She watched as the women were taken apart to feed the mob's vengeful appetite, men stabbing and cutting at their flesh while others raped any natural or new holes into which their cocks could fit. At the sight of the empress' detached head being tossed from one man to the next, each laughing and sliding his cock into its mouth or exposed neck like a macabre toy, Victoria tried to crawl away. That was when she was finally hit across the back of her head hard enough to knock her unconscious.
When she eventually came to, it was with the pain of a large cock buried balls-deep in her cunt. It felt like they must have been raping her for a while before she woke up from the throbbing aches across and inside her body. She reacted before she could think, trying to sit up from her position lying on the hard floor to fight the man using her cunt for entertainment. For her effort, she received a swift punch to her face that sent her sprawling back onto the floor.
Man 3: Stay the fuck down, imperial rapebitch!
Victoria's vision spun before the hot pain set into her head. She could feel the man grip back onto her hips and double his efforts to spear his cock through all of her organs through her cunt but it'd be a moment before she could even attempt sitting up again after that blow. Instead, she turned her head to see where she was. To one side, she could see a mass of men mulling about inside the large room, some looting random trinkets, some chanting for the revolution, some busy raping other unfortunate women over tables or on the floor. She turned her head the other way and saw a haphazard pile of bodies stacked against the ornate wall. At first it was hard to tell, due to the broken and molested state of most of the corpses, but she eventually realized it was the disposal site for all the women the mob had finished raping and dismembering. From the clothes some of the bodies were still wearing, it was clear that the blood-thirsty peasants had stopped trying to distinguish who was a loyalist and who was an insurrectionist. If it had fuckable holes and tits, the men were raping it to death, even if it was another peasant woman that helped storm the palace hours before.
Man 1: Hahaha! Right, rapebitch, rapebitch! Lemme have a turn in the meat before you use this one all up!
Another man cheered dumbly as he knelt to either side of Victoria's throbbing head, her body bouncing roughly against the floor from the first man's clumsy thrusts. He grabbed her exposed neck with one hand and his hard cock with the other, lining the tip up with her lips. He squeezed her thin neck hard enough to make her jaw open and quickly forced his thick cock down her throat to the hilt. Her back arched as her airway was cut off, her vision obscured by the man's heavy balls and thighs pressed into her face. She instinctively reached both hands up to try to push the man off of her head but was rewarded with a hard punch to her stomach that made her seize up and retch.
Man 3: I told you to stay fuckin' still, you stupid whore! Move again and I'll gut you before I finish raping you...
The man buried in her throat used his free hand to give her face a couple hard slaps, laughing down at her as he did so. Then he squeezed her neck tighter as he slowly slid his cock back and forth just enough to move the tip in and out of his grip through her flesh.
Man 1: Fuck, it feels so good to jerk off with these noble bitches' throats, don't it? Why don't the normal bitches feel this good, eh?
Man 2: Normal bitches ain't spent their lives bein' pampered and trained as fancy fuckholes. Meat's not as tender, you know?
Man 1: Eheheh. You hear that, little miss? I love raping tender meat to pieces!
Man 2: This one pro'ly ain't no noble, though. All thems got used up first.
Man 1: What you reckon this one is, then?
Man 3: Bastard emperor was so fucking spoiled, this one was probably his personal pissbitch... Fuckers are too fancy to piss on the ground like the rest of us. Probably had to bend this cunt over and piss in its guts every day...
Man 1: Hahaha! Pissbitch, pissbitch! Don't pretend you don't like it, little miss. You was livin' the high life here as the emperor's own toilet, weren't ya? Your whole life's been takin' cock for a livin', ain't it? Just in time, too! I needa piss like a horse after rapin' all them other cunts...
The man buried his cock deeper into her throat, squeezing the warm meat securely around his shaft as he let out both a satisfied sigh and a hot stream of piss right into Victoria's bruised stomach. She spasmed and retched again, feeling like she'd drown in his cock and piss if she didn't fight back. But instead of managing to do anything helpful, her body simply tried to expel the intruder by forcefully emptying her stomach up her stuffed throat. Most of the fluid was pushed back down by the blockage in her neck but a wave of it squeezed past her stretched lips to run down her face and into her nostrils.
Man 1: Ah, fuck me! Cunt puked all over my nuts! What kind of imperial pissbitch ain't used to gettin' its throat raped a bit, eh?
The man slapped her face a half dozen times more times, hard enough to nearly knock Victoria out again while his cock was still impaling her throat. Then her gripped her throat with both hands and squeezed carelessly as he raped her neck, slamming his cock through his grip over and over until Victoria couldn't stop gagging and puking down her face helplessly.
Man 3: Who gives a shit what the fuckhole was before now... It's got a cunt so it deserves to be fucked to death. Fucking bastard emperor thought he could keep everything for himself! Food, money, land, cunt... Everything! We've been starving all this time with no food and no cunt and now we're just taking what's ours. Fuck these cunts and fuck the royal dick they've been sucking their whole lives!
The man fucking Victoria's beaten cunt suddenly shoved the man using her throat off of her, knocking him to his ass and making his cock pop out of her raw neck with a wet splash of fluids down her face. Ignoring the shoved man's protests, the insurrectionist buried his cock as deep as he could up her cunt, slamming the thick head of his cock into her bruised cervix, and lifted her head by a fistful of her hair. He spit hatefully into her sloppy face before slamming her head back down to the hard floor, making her gasp for air as her vision blurred. He growled and gripped her hips with both hands again, digging his fingers into her back and stomach as he lifted her limp body off his cock. Then he slammed her lower half back down onto his rigid cock, forcing himself balls-deep up her tight asshole.
Victoria gasped again but her body could only convulse from the overload of pain and sensation, choking on her own spit and vomit whenever she tried to cry out. He dragged her body up and down on his cock like a sleeve, her shoulders and arms splayed out across the floor weakly. The man jerked himself off with her body, heedless of how his thick cock was tearing her soft guts up inside of her. All he cared about was that the the bitch in his grip was still fuckable enough to keep raping, still rapeable enough to take his rage out on. Before long he growled louder and spit onto her brainless face again as he blew thick ropes of cum into her ruined guts over and over. Once he'd finished emptying his nuts into the rapemeat, he relaxed a bit and let out out a victorious stream of piss into her ass. Less rageful but just as spiteful, he gave her stomach another hard punch and tossed her limp body to the ground as he stood up.
Man 3: Whatever you were, you're just a pissbitch now. Be a good cunt and die on our cocks quick so we can rape something more entertaining...
The men around laughed and closed back in on Victoria, seemingly having waited as the man got out his rage on her insides. The shoved man kept laughing dumbly as he slid his soaked cock back into her messed up throat. Another took the newly empty space between her legs and shoved his cock into her aching cunt without any ceremony. Another knelt beside her, toying with the point of a knife against her bruised side like he was contemplating cutting a new hole to fuck into her. Victoria knew she was going to die. She couldn't move her legs and her insides were fucked to shreds. She knew there was nothing left of her but being nameless rapemeat for these peasants who didn't even know if she was one of their own. They didn't know that she was the youngest emperor's guard captain or that she was the dutiful daughter of a duke. All they knew was that they could cum and piss in her holes until they got bored before tossing her ragged corpse onto the pile of other nameless cunts to mark the end of the empire.
Man 2: Looks dead...
Man 3: Who cares? Serves the bitch right. Keep raping it 'til it falls apart and then grab the next cunt we find!
Victoria wasn't dead, yet, but she knew it wouldn't be long. Even if this group of insurrectionists lost interest and left her alive, the rest of the mob would certainly hang or behead her once they found her lying on the palace floor. Her body didn't have the strength to even twitch and she knew there was no escape from this. The only signs of life left in her were the imperceptibly weak breaths she managed to take whenever one of the brutes wasn't busy raping her throat or punching the air out of her.
Despite the man's suggestion that she was some servant or other cloistered resident of the palace, Victoria wasn't even from the capitol. Though she was a trusted duke's daughter, her life had never been quite so pampered. Unrest had been a growing problem even before she was born and the emperor's enemies were many. Victoria had always been drawn to the martial line of duty and quickly rose through the ranks of the imperial army with her father's help. Not that she was the mere product of nepotism; she was an adept fighter and superlative strategist. But such skills alone only took one so far in the military's rigid hierarchy.
Her talents and circumstances eventually saw her instated as the youngest captain of the emperor's guard in history. Through her grit and determination, she gradually won the trust of the elite troops and of the palace residents whose safety she ensured. It seemed clear to all that she was on the path to great importance within the empire.
Then the riots, which had thus far been isolated pockets of malcontent within the city, turned into a full revolution over night. Even with all of Victoria's skills and troops, there was nothing that could be done. It seemed like the entire population of the capital had descended on the palace at once, cutting off all escape. Perhaps just an unfortunate bout of coordination among the riotous mob. Perhaps something orchestrated by the emperor's enemies abroad. Either way, her only option had been to protect the imperial family for as long as she could.
That was hours ago. Or maybe days. She couldn't tell how long everything had taken, anymore. The mob had broken through her line of guards and swarmed into the palace halls. There was nothing but murder in their eyes, a frothing mass of desperate peasants looking for revenge over all their grievances. They cut down her troops with knives and pitchforks. They tossed courtiers from balconies and hanged servants and nobles alike. They were indiscriminate in their violence, save for the women pulled aside for raping, whether before or after they'd been murdered and mangled.
Victoria had fought as she was continuously pushed back toward the innermost portions of the palace. But no amount of skill can best overwhelming numbers. She was eventually disarmed and knocked aside. She watched from the floor as the endless mob rushed past her and into the room where the imperial family was hiding. She watched as the emperor was dragged out to the balcony, knives and fists hatefully plunged into him the whole way, before he was tossed to the screaming masses below. She watched as the empress and her daughters were pulled in every direction, tossed and pinned from man to man as the crowd competed for a turn raping one of their imperial holes. She watched as the women were taken apart to feed the mob's vengeful appetite, men stabbing and cutting at their flesh while others raped any natural or new holes into which their cocks could fit. At the sight of the empress' detached head being tossed from one man to the next, each laughing and sliding his cock into its mouth or exposed neck like a macabre toy, Victoria tried to crawl away. That was when she was finally hit across the back of her head hard enough to knock her unconscious.
When she eventually came to, it was with the pain of a large cock buried balls-deep in her cunt. It felt like they must have been raping her for a while before she woke up from the throbbing aches across and inside her body. She reacted before she could think, trying to sit up from her position lying on the hard floor to fight the man using her cunt for entertainment. For her effort, she received a swift punch to her face that sent her sprawling back onto the floor.
Man 3: Stay the fuck down, imperial rapebitch!
Victoria's vision spun before the hot pain set into her head. She could feel the man grip back onto her hips and double his efforts to spear his cock through all of her organs through her cunt but it'd be a moment before she could even attempt sitting up again after that blow. Instead, she turned her head to see where she was. To one side, she could see a mass of men mulling about inside the large room, some looting random trinkets, some chanting for the revolution, some busy raping other unfortunate women over tables or on the floor. She turned her head the other way and saw a haphazard pile of bodies stacked against the ornate wall. At first it was hard to tell, due to the broken and molested state of most of the corpses, but she eventually realized it was the disposal site for all the women the mob had finished raping and dismembering. From the clothes some of the bodies were still wearing, it was clear that the blood-thirsty peasants had stopped trying to distinguish who was a loyalist and who was an insurrectionist. If it had fuckable holes and tits, the men were raping it to death, even if it was another peasant woman that helped storm the palace hours before.
Man 1: Hahaha! Right, rapebitch, rapebitch! Lemme have a turn in the meat before you use this one all up!
Another man cheered dumbly as he knelt to either side of Victoria's throbbing head, her body bouncing roughly against the floor from the first man's clumsy thrusts. He grabbed her exposed neck with one hand and his hard cock with the other, lining the tip up with her lips. He squeezed her thin neck hard enough to make her jaw open and quickly forced his thick cock down her throat to the hilt. Her back arched as her airway was cut off, her vision obscured by the man's heavy balls and thighs pressed into her face. She instinctively reached both hands up to try to push the man off of her head but was rewarded with a hard punch to her stomach that made her seize up and retch.
Man 3: I told you to stay fuckin' still, you stupid whore! Move again and I'll gut you before I finish raping you...
The man buried in her throat used his free hand to give her face a couple hard slaps, laughing down at her as he did so. Then he squeezed her neck tighter as he slowly slid his cock back and forth just enough to move the tip in and out of his grip through her flesh.
Man 1: Fuck, it feels so good to jerk off with these noble bitches' throats, don't it? Why don't the normal bitches feel this good, eh?
Man 2: Normal bitches ain't spent their lives bein' pampered and trained as fancy fuckholes. Meat's not as tender, you know?
Man 1: Eheheh. You hear that, little miss? I love raping tender meat to pieces!
Man 2: This one pro'ly ain't no noble, though. All thems got used up first.
Man 1: What you reckon this one is, then?
Man 3: Bastard emperor was so fucking spoiled, this one was probably his personal pissbitch... Fuckers are too fancy to piss on the ground like the rest of us. Probably had to bend this cunt over and piss in its guts every day...
Man 1: Hahaha! Pissbitch, pissbitch! Don't pretend you don't like it, little miss. You was livin' the high life here as the emperor's own toilet, weren't ya? Your whole life's been takin' cock for a livin', ain't it? Just in time, too! I needa piss like a horse after rapin' all them other cunts...
The man buried his cock deeper into her throat, squeezing the warm meat securely around his shaft as he let out both a satisfied sigh and a hot stream of piss right into Victoria's bruised stomach. She spasmed and retched again, feeling like she'd drown in his cock and piss if she didn't fight back. But instead of managing to do anything helpful, her body simply tried to expel the intruder by forcefully emptying her stomach up her stuffed throat. Most of the fluid was pushed back down by the blockage in her neck but a wave of it squeezed past her stretched lips to run down her face and into her nostrils.
Man 1: Ah, fuck me! Cunt puked all over my nuts! What kind of imperial pissbitch ain't used to gettin' its throat raped a bit, eh?
The man slapped her face a half dozen times more times, hard enough to nearly knock Victoria out again while his cock was still impaling her throat. Then her gripped her throat with both hands and squeezed carelessly as he raped her neck, slamming his cock through his grip over and over until Victoria couldn't stop gagging and puking down her face helplessly.
Man 3: Who gives a shit what the fuckhole was before now... It's got a cunt so it deserves to be fucked to death. Fucking bastard emperor thought he could keep everything for himself! Food, money, land, cunt... Everything! We've been starving all this time with no food and no cunt and now we're just taking what's ours. Fuck these cunts and fuck the royal dick they've been sucking their whole lives!
The man fucking Victoria's beaten cunt suddenly shoved the man using her throat off of her, knocking him to his ass and making his cock pop out of her raw neck with a wet splash of fluids down her face. Ignoring the shoved man's protests, the insurrectionist buried his cock as deep as he could up her cunt, slamming the thick head of his cock into her bruised cervix, and lifted her head by a fistful of her hair. He spit hatefully into her sloppy face before slamming her head back down to the hard floor, making her gasp for air as her vision blurred. He growled and gripped her hips with both hands again, digging his fingers into her back and stomach as he lifted her limp body off his cock. Then he slammed her lower half back down onto his rigid cock, forcing himself balls-deep up her tight asshole.
Victoria gasped again but her body could only convulse from the overload of pain and sensation, choking on her own spit and vomit whenever she tried to cry out. He dragged her body up and down on his cock like a sleeve, her shoulders and arms splayed out across the floor weakly. The man jerked himself off with her body, heedless of how his thick cock was tearing her soft guts up inside of her. All he cared about was that the the bitch in his grip was still fuckable enough to keep raping, still rapeable enough to take his rage out on. Before long he growled louder and spit onto her brainless face again as he blew thick ropes of cum into her ruined guts over and over. Once he'd finished emptying his nuts into the rapemeat, he relaxed a bit and let out out a victorious stream of piss into her ass. Less rageful but just as spiteful, he gave her stomach another hard punch and tossed her limp body to the ground as he stood up.
Man 3: Whatever you were, you're just a pissbitch now. Be a good cunt and die on our cocks quick so we can rape something more entertaining...
The men around laughed and closed back in on Victoria, seemingly having waited as the man got out his rage on her insides. The shoved man kept laughing dumbly as he slid his soaked cock back into her messed up throat. Another took the newly empty space between her legs and shoved his cock into her aching cunt without any ceremony. Another knelt beside her, toying with the point of a knife against her bruised side like he was contemplating cutting a new hole to fuck into her. Victoria knew she was going to die. She couldn't move her legs and her insides were fucked to shreds. She knew there was nothing left of her but being nameless rapemeat for these peasants who didn't even know if she was one of their own. They didn't know that she was the youngest emperor's guard captain or that she was the dutiful daughter of a duke. All they knew was that they could cum and piss in her holes until they got bored before tossing her ragged corpse onto the pile of other nameless cunts to mark the end of the empire.